
Getting the right diagnosis and adding a specialized treatment may finally clear up your acne.

October 26, 2012

How Your Dermatologist Can Help Treat Your Acne

Acne sufferers everywhere are well aware of the low self-esteem, depression, and pain their condition causes. But there’s no reason to put up with acne when there are so many effective types of treatments available. However, to get the best results, it’s important to have the correct diagnosis. There are other conditions that mimic the appearance of acne and will not respond to treatments meant only for acne.

How will your dermatologist diagnose your skin condition?

There is no test to determine whether a patient has acne, other than a visual inspection by a trained dermatologist.

What kinds of acne treatments are available?

Over-the-counter acne creams and lotions can be very effective in treating some breakouts. It’s important to realize that no medication will work overnight; most treatments take anywhere between four to eight weeks for definite improvement to show, so be patient. Once the skin has cleared, continue to practice good skin care with gentle acne cleansers to prevent a recurrence of the problems which caused your acne.

Medications from the dermatologist include prescription-strength creams and lotions which kill surface bacteria, control skin oils, and unclog pores; oral medications that target cysts from inside the skin.

There’s no need to suffer from acne and the damaging emotional and physical problems that come with it. Make an appointment with Dr. Gross if at-home methods aren’t helping to control your breakouts.

How do you deal with breakouts?