Dermatology Skin Cancer Center

Dermatology in Fernley NV

Learn how an expert in dermatology in Fernley NV can help protect your health

Dermatology in Fernley NVDermatology is the study of the human body’s largest organ, the skin. An expert in dermatology in Fernley NV will be dedicated to helping ensure that the skin stays healthy and beautiful and continues to protect the body from the outside world. Therefore the following services are key to dermatology:

Skin Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancers, but fortunately most types of skin cancer are easily treatable. As with all cancers, early detection of skin cancer makes treatment easier. As an expert in dermatology in Fernley NV, Dr. Gross can provide professional skin cancer screenings to detect and diagnose carcinomas, melanomas, and pre-cancerous lesions. If your screening reveals skin cancer, Dr. Gross will explain your treatment options. He can perform Mohs surgery right in his office so you won’t have to find a new doctor for treatment.
Even though most skin cancers are treatable, you shouldn’t neglect preventative skin care. Dr. Gross can provide advice for skin cancer prevention as well as guidance for performing the at-home skin cancer self-exams that will help with early detection of any suspicious moles, growths, or bumps.

What Makes Dr. Gross an Expert in Dermatology in Fernley NV?

You can rest assured that Dr. Gross is an expert in dermatology in Fernley NV because of his excellent track record of providing superior care. After studying at Harvard and UCLA, Dr. Gross opened his private practice in 1992. He has been certified by the American Board of Dermatology and is a fellow of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. If you want to benefit from his expert care and advice, just call us today and schedule an appointment at the treatment center closest to you.